Indian Dairy Cattle Breeds and their Characteristics.

 Red Sindhi

This cattle breed originated in Hyderabad, Pakistan and Bikaner, India. The breed has been used for crossbreeding with temperate origin dairy cattle breeds in many countries to combine their tropical adaptations (heat tolerance, tick resistance, disease resistance, fertility at higher temperatures, etc.) with the higher milk production found in temperate regions.

These animals have been crossed with Jerseys in many places, including India, Australia, Sri Lanka and the United States.

The Red Sindhi cattle are medium sized animals, and they are very beautiful in appearance. They range in color from a deep reddish brown to a yellowish red, but most commonly deep red. The bulls are generally of a darker color than the cows.

The breed is easily distinguishable from the other dairy breed of Sindh, the Tharparkar or White Sindhi, both by color. And the Red Sindhi is smaller, rounder, with a more typical dairy form, and with short, curved horns, while the Tharparkar is taller with a shape more typical of Zebu draft breeds, and with longer, lyre shaped horns.

Skin color of these animals is brick red. And both bulls and cows have lyre shaped horns.

As a medium sized breed, average live body weight of the mature bulls is around 480-560 kg. And average live body weight of the mature cows is around 340 kg.

Summary ,


Breed Name

Red Sindhi


Other Names

Also known by some other names such as Red Karachi, Sindhi


Breed Purpose

Mainly milk, but also raised for meat in some countries


Special Notes

Good behavior and temperament, known for their hardiness and their ability to convert grass into milk efficiently, able to adapt a wide variety of climates, very good for milk production, milk is of good quality, the breed is also good for meat, good for draft purposes, available worldwide


Breed Size




Around 530 kg



Around 325 kg


Climate Tolerance

All climates


Coat Color

Generally red-brown





Milk Yield

Average Production Between 1200-1500 l per Lactation





Country/Place of Origin

India, Pakistan


To be Continued in next article.
